Gatekeeper - BC Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN)
Program Description:
Gatekeeper is a tool used by local CRNs (Community Response Networks) to work directly with essential workers to learn to spot the signs of adult abuse, neglect, and self-neglect, the role of the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC, and how to correctly and respectfully refer individuals to the appropriate agency for support and help.
Gatekeeper takes the form of presentations and workshops of any length specifically geared to essential workers, and community groups and service providers who have regular contact with the general public and vulnerable adult populations as part of their daily work activities.
All program participants learn:
- The role of the local CRN and how they work with “gatekeepers”.
- The role of the “gatekeeper” in the community, and what they can do to address abuse and neglect.
- The different forms of adult abuse and neglect.
- How and when to refer the individual to help
For more information on Gatekeeper, visit  To book a free Gatekeeper session email:  For more information on BC CRN, visit
British Columbia
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