Social Innovators Challenge
The Social Innovators Challenge funds creative programs aimed at restoring and strengthening the social connections of men, particularly those at risk for loneliness and isolation. Current funding supports the scaling and piloting of innovative projects in three markets: Australia, Canada and the UK.
Breaking the Ice
Movember Breaking the Ice is an evidence based adolescent mental health program delivered through local community sports organizations. The program is aimed at athletes, their coaches and parents and focuses on both increasing mental health literacy and building resilience.
Indigenous Land Based Programs
Movember's Land Based Programs support Indigenous men to reclaim their traditional skills of harvesting and living off the land. Through the use of culture, men are mentored to better understand traditional ways of knowing and surviving fostering a new sense of belonging and purpose.
Indigenous Bros Groups
Bros Groups are Indigenous men’s clubs that promote belonging, social inclusion and support men’s overall physical and mental wellness and wellbeing.
Work 2 Give: Indigenous Men
Work 2 Give is a correctional employment initiative that supports Indigenous incarcerated men to create items such as furniture, knitted items, cultural items, toys and children’s bus shelters, that are donated to First Nations communities that need them. Men build skills, communities receive support and a greater sense of reciprocity and engagement occurs between the men and the community.
Dad HERO educates incarcerated fathers on proper and effective parenting and the importance of a positive father-child relationship. The program aims to increase incarcerated men’s confidence in their parenting and build resiliency towards a successful family reunification upon release.
Learn more about Movember Foundation's work.