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Transition to Betterness

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Transition to Betterness (https://www.t2b.ca/) is a non-profit organization based in Windsor, Ontario, Canada that aims to improve the lives of patients and families who are undergoing medical treatments. T2B recognizes people experiencing cancer and other diseases are surrounded by a circle of care that includes family, friends, physicians and health care providers. We value working in partnership with the circle of care.

T2B offers a variety of programs and services to support patients and their families, including:

Back The Pack - Provides Pediatric oncology patients with a backpack filled with toys to take with them to treatments.

Concierge Program - Provides patients and visitors with emotional support and everyday essentials during their hospital stay.

Connecting For Comfort - Provides patients and hospital staff access to all the available technology iPads provide.

Emergency Department Comfort Kit - A kit filled with everyday essesntials to assist paitents who find themselves unexpecdedl;y spending the night in the ER

Hair to Share Program - Sends donated hair to A Child's Voice Foundation where it's made into a wig for a child.

. . .and MANY more!

Click HERE to see the FULL list of programs offered by T2B.

  • Location

    3200 Deziel Drive, Unit 307 Windsor, Ontario N8W 5K8

  • Organization

    Transition To Betterness


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