Age Better Grants!

Age Better (formerly Seniors Can!) is a HelpAge Canada program designed to help community-based seniors’ services (CBSS) organizations across the country in supporting older people in the places they live.
Through the generous support of our Founding Program Partner, HelpAge Canada offers two Age Better granting initiatives:
- Well-Being Grants of up to $10,000 per organization are available to provide one or more low-income seniors with mobility and communication enhancing equipment or devices, dental care, and/or for social services or supports such as transportation, delivered meals, or senior center memberships.
- Innovative Programming Grants of up to $10,000 are available for organizations to deliver innovative programming for seniors.
We value the relationships that we establish with our local community partners through Age Better grants. Although we wish we could approve all applications, we assess applications according to where the need is greatest. Factors that we consider when awarding grants include if the population being supported are low-income or otherwise marginalized, if the community is in an underserved area, and an organization’s ability to address a breadth of needs faced by older people, and the organization’s positioning to make the greatest impact in its community.
We do not provide funding for capital improvements.
Grants can only be awarded to charitable organizations or other qualified donees as defined by the CRA.
Thank you for the work that you do and for your interest in Age Better!
HelpAge Canada
Start Date
May 24, 2023
End Date