Call for Applications - Infrastructure Canada’s Rural Transit Solutions Fund: Capital Projects Stream.

We are pleased to announce that Infrastructure Canada is now accepting applications for the Capital Projects stream of Infrastructure Canada’s Rural Transit Solutions Fund, which is part of the Permanent Public Transit Program.
The Rural Transit Solutions Fund is the first federal fund to target the development of transit solutions in rural and remote communities. It is making $250 million in federal funding available over five years to support the development of locally-driven transit solutions that will help people living in these communities get to work, school and appointments, and visit loved ones. A minimum of 10% of the total fund amount will be allocated to projects that benefit Indigenous populations and communities.
Through the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, eligible applicants can seek a contribution of up to $3 million to help cover capital costs (e.g. purchase of a vehicle or digital platforms); and up to $5 million to support zero-emission transit solutions (e.g. for the purchase of a zero-emission vehicles).
Applications for the Capital Project stream will be accepted on a rolling intake basis through the Applicant Portal, which can be accessed on Infrastructure Canada’s website, along with other useful information to assist with the application process. The Applicant Guide for the Capital Stream of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund can be found on the website, which provides detailed information on the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, including applicant and project eligibility requirements. Also, the Step-by-Step Guide for Applications to the Capital Stream of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund provides guidance on completing applications. Applicants may also register via the website for one of the webinars for potential applicants, which will provide information on the process of developing and submitting an application.
Any inquiries related to the Rural Transit Solutions Fund may be submitted to: via email, or 1-833-699-2280 for the toll-free number. Please also feel free to pass this information along to anyone whom you think might be interested in this Fund.
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Infrastructure Canada
Start Date
Feb 06, 2023
End Date