Call for applications: The Intersectoral Action Fund

Intersectoral action (ISA) refers to the ways that different groups and sectors of society work together to improve health and the conditions that shape health. Groups outside of the health sector often lead this type of action. Effective ISA is crucial to addressing complex public health challenges that impact health equity and wellbeing. The Intersectoral Action Fund ("the Fund") supports communities to build capacity for intersectoral action on the conditions into which we're born, live, grow, work, play and age - the social determinants of health. In recognition of the diverse expertise and intersectoral work underway in communities, projects will focus on one of three Streams of capacity building for ISA. The stream selected should reflect the primary focus of the proposed project activities. The examples listed within each stream illustrate possible activities, but proposals are not limited to these areas of work.
Click here to learn more and to apply.
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