[Canada Wide] Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program

About the Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program
The Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program will provide funding to enable communities and sectors to work together at a regional scale to co-develop coordinated actions that increase climate resilience in coastal regions. The CRCC received $41 million under the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan, which accompanied the release of the National Adaptation Strategy.
Regional-scale approaches provide multiple benefits for advancing adaptation action including: collaborative planning to address complex climate change risks (e.g. sea level rise, coastal erosion, extreme events); more efficient alignment of resources and short and long-term actions; enable innovative solutions; and reduce risk of maladaptation or shifting risks to others.
Natural Resources Canada’s Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program (2023 to 2028) will fund up to 25 pilot projects that accelerate adaptation at a regional scale through integrated, inclusive, and innovative actions. The projects will advance systems-based approaches and will involve governments, Indigenous rights–holders, communities and organizations, businesses, academia, and other stakeholders to address key climate change risks.
Up to a total of $30 million in contribution funding may be awarded for pilot projects starting April 1, 2024, and concluding on or before December 31, 2027.
The Government of Canada may fund up to 75% of the total eligible project costs, with the exception of Indigenous-led projects and those led by Territorial governments, where Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) may fund up to 100% of the total project costs.
We welcome proposals for projects that address climate change adaptation on each of Canada’s coasts – Atlantic, North, Pacific and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence. Selected pilot projects will represent diverse types of communities, adaptation challenges, and types of adaptation actions across Canada.
Please refer to the Applicant Guide for more information.
Government of Canada
Start Date
Sep 01, 2023
End Date
Dec 13, 2023