Request for Proposals: AVOID Frailty Regional Centres for Healthy Aging Grants Competition

The Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is looking to fund at least three Regional Centres for Healthy Aging (RCHA) in spreading the implementation of CFN’s AVOID Frailty Program – a community-driven health intervention that aims to enable uptake and maintenance of healthy behaviours among older adults. The selected regional centres will spread the AVOID Frailty Program by engaging and empowering community members and organizations. It is expected that the regional centres will foster an enabling environment for behaviour change that includes co-ordinated assistance for older adults to identify, navigate, and access local health and social services. Using an approach that incorporates both a digital platform (specifically modified and adapted for AVOID Frailty) and personnel support, behaviour change strategies (i.e., education, self-monitoring, and nudging) will aim to facilitate individual-level and community-level adoption of evidence-based behaviours of healthy aging.
Definition of a Regional Centre for Healthy Aging
A RCHA is comprised of like-minded team of individuals, residing within a defined geographic area, who are dedicated to implementing and promoting a community-based program to encourage older adults to engage in behaviour changes that prevent frailty and promote healthy aging. A RCHA demonstrates evidence of interdisciplinary collaborations and commitment to advancing knowledge dissemination, research, and community engagement to promote a holistic approach to healthy aging. As a leadership node for multisectoral initiatives, a RCHA is responsible for coordinating the implementation and management of the AVOID Frailty Program in a culturally, environmentally, and economically appropriate way that acknowledges and honours the characteristics of community members.
Funded RCHAs will work with CFN to refine their regionally tailored implementation strategies and best practices of the AVOID Frailty Program, which will be informed by CFN’s Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington RCHA currently being developed.
• Competition launch date: August 10, 2021
• Intent to Apply deadline (will not be adjudicated): Noon ET September 13, 2021
• Full Application deadline: Noon ET on November 1, 2021
• Earliest start date: January 10, 2022
• Maximum length of funding term: 15 months (funding will not be proceed beyond March 31, 2023)
• A total maximum of $750,000 is available for this entire RFP.
• A single proposal for a regional centre may request funding to a maximum of $250,000.
• A minimum of three proposals (at least one per geographic area) will be funded.
• Project payment is tied to milestone progress and progress reporting.
• All CFN funding must be accompanied by applicant matching partner funds at least at a 1:1 ratio. Both cash and in-kind matching partner funds are eligible although cash contributions are weighted higher in proposal evaluations.
Contact for Further Information
Perry Kim, PhD, Assistant Scientific Director
More information and PDF downloads here.
Start Date
End Date
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