[News] Province adds 144 social housing units through purchases in 2023-2024

Islanders have access to another 144 social housing units across the province following purchases by the PEI Housing Corporation over the last fiscal year.
Investments in housing have been made in 8 Island communities and include a mix of single-family, duplexes, row houses, mini-homes, and apartment buildings. Purchases include:
- Borden – 8 units
- Charlottetown – 32 units
- Georgetown – 4 units
- Kensington – 6 units
- Montague – 30 units
- Summerside – 59 units
- O’Leary – 2 units
- Vernon River – 3 units
“These units, in communities across the province, will help reduce the wait list of PEI residents looking for social housing and will improve the affordability, availability and suitability of housing for many families and seniors. We will continue to make investments that support the current and future housings needs of the people in our province.”
- Housing, Land and Communities Minister Rob Lantz
Since 2021, the PEI Housing Corporation has purchased 213 housing units to add to its social housing inventory. PEI residents living in provincial social housing units have rent set at 25 per cent of their household monthly income.
For more information on provincial housing opportunities, visit: Housing. For more information on the provincial housing strategy, click here.
Apr 24, 2024
Prince Edward Island