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[Survey] Seeking feedback on social isolation and loneliness guidelines

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Study Title: Assessing the Feasibility, Relevance, and Impact of New Clinical Guidelines on Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults


  • Nick Ubels
  • Bette Watson-Borg
  • Dr. David Conn

Why am I being asked to participate in this study?

In the wake of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been increasing awareness of the significant health impacts of social isolation and loneliness, particularly among older adults. In February 2024, the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH) launched the first-ever Canadian clinical guidelines on addressing social isolation and loneliness in older adults. These guidelines aim to empower and equip healthcare and social service professionals to:

  • Recognize
  • Assess
  • Prevent
  • Address social isolation and loneliness experienced by their patients and clients.

The guidelines include 17 evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice determined by an expert working group. The launch was accompanied by a range of targeted knowledge mobilization activities, including:

  • Webinars
  • Conference presentations
  • Communications campaigns

Now that the guidelines have been available for six months, we wish to assess:

  • The content of the guidelines
  • The effectiveness of the knowledge mobilization methods in facilitating change in knowledge and practice among healthcare and social service professionals.

What is the purpose of this study?

Your input will help us:

  • Evaluate and improve our methods for sharing the content of clinical guidelines with those who can use them in their practice
  • Gain insights about the guidelines themselves to support future guideline development

Your professional perspective is very important to us!

Who is this survey open to?

This survey is open to:

  • Healthcare and social service professionals in Canada who work with older adult clients, patients, or patrons
  • Participants who have engaged with or plan to engage with the social isolation & loneliness guidelines

What will happen in this survey?

You will be asked:

  1. Basic demographic questions
  2. Several questions about the effectiveness of different ways we have shared these guidelines
  3. How the guidelines have impacted your knowledge and practice
  4. Questions about the relevance and feasibility of the guidelines

Are there any risks or benefits to participating in this study?

  • Risks: You are not likely to experience any risks or discomforts by participating in this study.
  • Benefits: By participating, you will help us understand the early impact and benefit of these clinical guidelines.

Will my information be kept private?

  • Responses to this survey are anonymous and will be grouped and analyzed.
  • All data will be stored in secure, password-protected servers in Canada and only accessed by the researchers.

Has this study been checked over by anyone besides the researchers?

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Baycrest Research Ethics Board (REB# 24-24).

Do I have to participate in this study?

  • Your participation in this study is entirely by choice.
  • You may choose not to participate or end your participation at any time.
  • You may not withdraw your data from this survey after completion as it is completely anonymous.

What if I have any questions?

  • Please contact Nick Ubels at nubels@ccsmh.ca if you have any questions or comments about this study at any time.
  • If you have any questions about the research ethics review of this study, please contact Noah Koblinsky at nkoblinsky@research.baycrest.org or 1-416-785-2500 ext. 2440.

View full release
  • Date

    Oct 03, 2024

  • By



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