De Hogeweyk and a Normal Life with Dementia with Jannette Spiering

This interview highlights the work of Jannette Spiering from Be Advice and also De Hogeweyk in the Netherlands. Even if you don’t recognise the names you may know the story, it’s been described as “the dementia village” a name Jannette and the team strongly dislike, but it’s received a lot of attention for it’s mission of creating a normal life for people living with dementia. They do all sorts of fantastic stuff in De Hogeweyk to ensure that residents retain their freedom and have a fulfilling life with support from the care teams. With restaurants, a supermarket, and the freedom for residents to walk around the neighbourhood, Jannette and the team pioneered this approach in the 90s.
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This episode is sponsored by Ending Loneliness Together, a national network of organizations who have come together to address the emerging problem of loneliness in Australia. They’ve been working together to address loneliness across all ages since 2016 and your donation will help Ending Loneliness Together fund a variety of much needed research projects and resources across Australia.
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SilVR Adventures
Mar 15, 2023
Subject Area
- Age-friendly Communities
- Caregiving & Caregiver Support
- Home Support
- International Innovation
- Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
- Safety, Security, Finances, & Personal Planning
- Mental Health and Wellness
- Organizational Development
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Housing
- Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Academics
- Funders
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
- Government
- Health Authorities
- Best Practices
- Research & Evidence
- Success Stories
- Impact Stories