Move for your Mood

Winter can put a damper on your mood. The colder, darker, shorter days can sap our energy and leave us feeling down. But there’s a simple way to start feeling better: get moving!
Every little bit of movement can help reduce stress and promote happier feelings. In fact, you don’t need to run a marathon to get a runner’s high. Any movement like a brisk walk, tobogganing or doing jumping jacks will quickly provide some mood-boosting effects! Getting active reduces levels of the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, and increases endorphins and the feel-good chemicals, dopamine and serotonin. That’s why physical activity literally boosts your mood!
Join our challenge!
From Jan 16 – 31, download the ParticipACTION app and join the Move for your Mood challenge, when getting active not only makes you feel better, but it might just win you some prizes, too!
Download the app and get moving today.
Looking to promote happy feelings throughout your organization?
We’ve created a Move for your Mood Action Plan that outlines how to help your colleagues and members enjoy an active, happy and healthy day through physical activity!
It’s simple to implement, it’s completely free, and best of all, all organizations who download the Action Plan have a chance to win an annual ParticipACTION+ subscription!
Find Out More Here
Dec 13, 2022
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