Recorded Webinar: Healthy Aging CORE Canada Virtual Launch Event
Healthy Aging CORE Canada launched on April 8th, 2021, via a nation-wide virtual event. The event's program featured The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors; Kahir Lalji (Provincial Director, Population Health, United Way of the Lower Mainland); and Gregor Sneddon (HelpAge Canada). The event was emceed by Rob Miyashiro, Councillor, City of Lethbridge. The launch event started with a short video that highlighted programs and organizations from the community-based seniors serving sector across Canada (
) and concluded with a brief virtual tour of the CORE Canada platform.
The 10-minute site tour starts at 30:13 (until 40:10).
Healthy Aging CORE Team
Dec 05, 2022
Subject Area
- Recorded webinar