[Recording] Diverse Intergenerational Mentorship Circles

Here is the post-recording of the Feb 11, 2025 Intergenerational Linkages CoP- Cafe
The theme this Cafe is: Diverse Intergenerational Mentorship Circles
A special thank you to Azita Afsharnejat (Calgary Immigrant Women's Association) and Heather Plaizier (LGTBQ+ circle) for sharing awesome information with us. Presenters discussed their intergenerational programming, and how they have made inclusive circles and spaces for both Youth and Seniors. We also shared a link where you can get ideas https://aese.psu.edu/outreach/intergenerational/curricula-and-activities/intergenerational-activities-sourcebook
The aim of the Community of Practice (CoP) is to bring together committed individuals who have a desire to work collaboratively to learn, share and build capacity and develop intergenerational linkages programs or initiatives in their communities.
In addition to attending the regular Cafés and Event learning sessions the CoP holds, you are welcome to post resources, upcoming events, and more related to Intergenerational relationships and Intergenerational Programming by joining us in the Intergenerational Linkages CoP CORE Alberta Group. This Group is a Nationally focused group hosted on the CORE Alberta Platform. This virtual Community of Practice is intended to be community-driven, supported by key facilitators and capacity builders to deepen engagement, build new ideas and connect those with a passion towards intergenerational relationship building and community development.
Diverse Intergenerational Mentorship Circles
Intergenerational Linkages CoP
Mar 03, 2025
Subject Area
- Age-friendly Communities
- Education, Recreation, & Arts
- Intercultural/Interfaith/Interlingual; Immigrants, Refugees, and Other Newcomers
- Non-profit / Charitable sector
- Intergenerational initiatives
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Events & Webinars
- Best Practices
- Advocacy
- CBSS Supports & Services
- Evidence-based & emerging practices
- Recorded webinar
- Impact Stories