[Report] A Human Rights-Based Calculation of Canada’s Housing Supply Shortages

This report, A Human Rights-Based Calculation of Canada’s Housing Shortages, is commissioned by the Federal Housing Advocate. It focuses on evidence related to housing need divided by income category, household size, and priority population to conclude there exists a current shortfall of three million homes affordable to very low- and low-income households (the bottom income quintile) and 1.4 million homes affordable to moderate- and median-income households (the second and third income quintiles). Using population projections based on recent immigration trends, it estimates a total (deficit plus population growth) shortage of 4.3 million homes affordable to very low- and low-income households, 3.9 million homes affordable to moderate- and median-income households, and 1.4 million homes affordable to high income households (fourth and fifth income deciles), for a total supply need of 9.6 million new homes by 2031.
Carolyn Whitzman
Jul 24, 2024
Subject Area
- Housing
- Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
- Research & Reports