[Report] Non-profit institutions and volunteering: Economic contribution, first quarter to fourth quarter 2023

Released: 2024-03-28
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Real gross domestic product of non-profit institutions edges up
Real gross domestic product (GDP) of non-profit institutions edged up 0.1% in the fourth quarter, after rising 0.8% in the third quarter. Increases in real GDP of non-profits serving households and businesses was largely offset by a decline in real GDP of non-profits serving governments. In comparison, economy-wide real GDP edged up 0.2% in the fourth quarter.
Real gross domestic product of non-profits serving households and businesses lead the rise
Real GDP of non-profits serving households grew 1.1% in the fourth quarter, as reliance on non-profit services by families and individuals increased, partly owing to a faster rise in cost-of-living compared with income gains of the lowest-income households. This was apparent in the Distributions of household economic accounts for the third quarter, which showed a decline in the net savings of the lowest-income households. Households in this category tend to rely more on non-profit services, including food banks.
In the fourth quarter, real GDP of non-profit institutions serving businesses rose 0.9%, the fourth consecutive quarterly increase.
These increases in real GDP of non-profit institutions serving households and businesses were largely offset by a 0.2% decline in real GDP of non-profits serving governments. Real GDP of non-profit institutions, excluding those serving governments, grew 1.0% in the fourth quarter, increasing for the fourth consecutive quarter.
In 2023, the real GDP of non-profit institutions rose 2.7%, with non-profits serving governments (+3.1%), households (+1.6%), and businesses (+2.0%) all increasing.
Jobs in non-profit institutions continue to rise
Driven by jobs increased in health care and social services, jobs in non-profit institutions rose 0.8% in the fourth quarter, the fifth consecutive quarterly increase. The number of jobs in health care rose 1.4% in the fourth quarter following a 1.9% increase in the third quarter. On an annual basis, jobs in health care rose 5.9% in 2023 compared with 2022, one of the highest yearly increases among all activities in the non-profit sector.
Jobs in social services rose by 2.6% in the fourth quarter of 2023. Although the number of jobs increased, job vacancies remained unchanged in social services and health care activities.
Statistics Canada
Apr 04, 2024
Subject Area
- Funding Development
- Non-profit / Charitable sector
- Rural and Remote Communities
- Seniors’ Planning & Action Tables/Committees
- Volunteer Management
- Organizational Development
- Academics
- Funders
- Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
- Government
- Health Authorities
- Leadership & Development
- Organizational development
- Fundraising, Sponsorship, & Other Sources of Income
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