[Resource] Community Conversations Project

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Community Conversations Project
The Community Conversations project is a sub-project of the Aging in the Right Place (AIRP) Partnership. In response to the AIRP project’s Lived Expertise Advisors’ interests and experiences, the Community Conversations project was started to engage communities and disrupt discrimination towards older people experiencing homelessness (OPEH).
As part of this project, the Lived Expertise Advisors committee has co-developed a series of stereotype cards in efforts to debunk myths about homelessness in later life. Our growing list of topics includes addressing issues related to aging, hidden homelessness, affordable housing, discrimination, unmet health and social needs, barriers to resources and services, and more. One side of each stereotype card features a myth or common stereotype about homelessness in later life, while the other side of each card provides an evidence-based counter narrative. These cards can be printed or shared digitally. Please feel free to download and share widely. Check back regularly for new additions to the collection.
SFU Aging in the Right Place
Dec 06, 2023
Subject Area
- Housing
- Advocacy