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[Resource] Men and Suicide Fact Sheet

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Middle-aged men (40 to 60) die by suicide more than anyone, including young people and women (Statistics Canada, 2019). Men are often socialized not to talk about their emotions. As a result, men as a group may mask their stress and deal with emotional pain through harmful behaviours and actions, and sometimes suicide, instead of seeking help (Ogrodniczuk & Oliffe, 2011).

Warning signs

Any significant change in behaviour or mood is a warning sign that someone may be thinking about suicide. For example:

  • Losing interest in a previously enjoyed hobby or activity
  • Disconnecting from friends or family (not calling as much, not going out)
  • Increased alcohol and/or drug use
  • Higher levels of irritability or anger
  • More risk taking with ambivalence about the consequences
  • Denying or not experiencing feelings and emotions
  • Making off hand or uncharacteristic comments of hopelessness or expressing feelings of being a burden to others
  • Talking about wanting to die or taking their own life
  • Looking for a way to take their own life or already having a plan (American Association of Suicidology, 2018

See rest of article and download the PDF Fact sheet

  • By

    Mental Health Commission of Canada

  • Published

    Jun 19, 2024

  • Subject Area
    • General Health and Wellness
    • Mental Health and Wellness
    • Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
    • Age-friendly Communities
  • Audience
    • Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
    • Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
    • Health Authorities
    • Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
  • Category
    • Advocacy
    • Best Practices
    • Friendly Visiting
    • Research & Evidence


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