The Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering
The Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering is a new destination for data and other useful resources on giving, volunteering, and participating in Canada.
About the Hub
This new resource will help everyone—including not-profit professionals and businesses—gain a better evidence-based understanding of the nature of giving and volunteering in Canada. The Hub will:- raise awareness about key data sources on giving and volunteering, including Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating (GSS-GVP)
- increase your knowledge of the types of GSS-GVP data available
- provide easy access to the data and related resources, including key trends
- help you understand how you can use the data in your work: to plan, recruit and retain volunteers, fundraise, and share impact
- increase your capacity to harness Canadians’ contributions of time and money to meet your mission
- information about the GSS-GVP to you help better understand the survey’s history and content
- 2018 GSS-GVP benchmarking data analyzed and summarized by topic, including
- Who donates and how much?
- Who volunteers and how much time do they contribute?
- Why do Canadians donate?
What's Next?
Watch for more data from the 2018 GSS-GVP to be added in the coming months. Over the next 2 years, the Hub will be expanded to include more resources from the 2018 GSS-GVP, data and resources from previous GSS-GVP surveys, and other relevant data and resources on giving and volunteering. That’s where you come in. Help us grow the Hub Complete a short survey to help us better understand your level of awareness of the GSS-GVP and its data, as well as if and how you currently use the data. If you have any other feedback to help us develop the Hub and grow the number and types of offerings it contains, contact Deborah Pike at Volunteer Canada: dpike@volunteer.caTake the Survey
Learn More About the GSS-GVP
Explore the Data
Dec 05, 2022
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