Toolkit: Social Isolation of Seniors - A Focus on New Immigrant and Refugee Seniors in Canada

This Toolkit is a resource to help organizations and service providers find solutions and adopt approaches to help new immigrant and refugee seniors strengthen human connections. It outlines best practices for developing and implementing innovative local programs and finding ways to reduce social isolation for this unique group.
This is a supplement toolkit which should be read in conjunction with two other documents published by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Seniors documents: Social Isolation of Seniors: Volume I – Understanding the Issue and Finding Solutions provides an overview of social isolation among seniors in Canada, Social Isolation: Volume II — Ideas Exchange Event Toolkit provides hands-on resources for groups. Appendix E and F are particularly useful for CBSS organizations looking to enhance their cultural competence. Appendix E: Organizational preparedness and capacity checklist - New immigrant and refugee seniors. This includes steps an organization should consider to move towards cultural competency. Appendix F: Approaches for hosting an Ideas Exchange Event. This includes guidelines on conducting discussion groups and workshops for this population.
To download a PDF version, see attached document below. To access the online Toolkit (webpage version), click here.
Healthy Aging CORE Team
Dec 05, 2022
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