Webinar Recording: The Case for Engaging People with Dementia in Community Support Efforts

On November 15th we heard about the work of The Building Capacity Project as team members discussed their grassroots approach to community support with and for people with dementia. The Building Capacity Project looks at both the logistical side and the bigger picture side of how engaging and collaborating with people with lived experience fosters a culture of inclusion, and decreases stigma, including important factors for continuing and scaling up this work.
- Dr. Alison Phinney, Project Co-Lead, UBC- Mary Jane MacLennan, Chair, Westside Seniors Hub Council, Vancouver
- Andréa Monteiro, Community Research Coordinator with the Building Capacity Project
- Bill Heibein, Dementia Advocate and Member of the North West Dementia Working Group with 22 years' experience living with dementia
- Carlina Marchese, Knowledge Broker at the Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health at Lakehead University
- Bailey Vandorp, Graduate Assistant at Lakehead University, and Thunder Bay's Point Person for The Building Capacity Project
Webinar Handout Here
Watch Webinar Here
Watch Here
Dec 05, 2022
Subject Area
- Recorded webinar
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