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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Resource] A Handbook for Nature on Prescription to Promote Mental Health

University of Exeter Medical School

Click HERE to view or download belowThis handbook is about how Nature on Prescription can be used to support people’s mental health, and makes evidence-based suggestions for how to develop and implement a high-quality scheme, in the new social prescribing landscape. The handbook is primarily aimed

[Podcast] Demystifying Community Housing

IRPP Policy Options

Demystifying Community Housing is a special series from the IRPP’s Policy Options Podcast that aims to have a broad conversation about community housing, its role in addressing Canada’s housing crisis and how public policy can support the building of a strong and resilient community-housing se

[Report] A Human Rights-Based Calculation of Canada’s Housing Supply Shortages

Carolyn Whitzman

This report, A Human Rights-Based Calculation of Canada’s Housing Shortages, is commissioned by the Federal Housing Advocate. It focuses on evidence related to housing need divided by income category, household size, and priority population to conclude there exists a current shortfall of three mil


Robert Morrissey, Chair

Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

[REPORT] Shaping Environments to Shape Us: The Case for Longevity Cities

Milken Institute

This report presents the case for Longevity Cities to tackle the challenges of global population aging

[Report] The Demand for Digital Skills in Canadaʼs Nonprofit Sector

Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience

The state of digital skills required by workers in the nonprofit sector

[Video] When kids, teens and young adults provide dementia care: A real-life story from young caregivers

Alzheimer Society of Canada

In this video, four siblings of different ages speak about being young caregivers for their grandmother living with dementia

[Resource] Global levels of physical inactivity in adults: off track for 2030

WHO | UN Decade on Ageing

Click HERE to Access KnowledgeOverviewRegular physical activity can improve both mental and physical health in people of all ages and abilities. Conversely, too little physical activity increases the risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes – all l

[Database] Promising interventions to prevent and respond to abuse of older people

WHO | UN Decade on Ageing

Click HERE to access the database“WHO’s new database is a critical first step towards developing and scaling up cost-effective solutions to address abuse of older people, which has been highlighted as one of five priorities to tackle the issue during the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030


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