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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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On Aging Canadian Conversations: ParticipACTION for older Canadians with Dr. Leigh Vanderloo

Amaan Fazal

Dr. Vanderloo is working as the Knowledge Translation Manager at Participaction. Since 1971, ParticipACTION has been inspiring and supporting people living in Canada to make physical activity a vital part of their everyday lives. Dr. Vanderloo shares healthy lifestyle tips for older adults.   htt

Recorded Webinar: Invisible No More- A Continuum of Care for Elder Rights & Long-Term Care Justice in Canada

Amaan Fazal

Co-presented by CFUW, HelpAge Canada, Canadian Health Coalition, & Ontario Health Coalition, this webinar discussed the human rights of older people and current services & programs in place to help them age with dignity. Speakers included: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEcgaFOltPM

FR: Cannabis et personnes âgées

Amaan Fazal

Chers professionnels de la santé, partenaires et alliés, La Coalition canadienne pour la santé mentale des personnes âgées (CCSMPA) est heureuse de vous informer que des modules d'apprentissage électronique agréés sur l'utilisation du cannabis chez les personnes âgées (version francaise e

Recorded Webinar: Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place

Amaan Fazal

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health and UHN and Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA, presents on "Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place". The webinar provides health care professionals a better understanding of: Download Slides   https://www.youtube

Introduction to Internet Safety

Amaan Fazal

This is a long and extensive list of tips and information on how to stay safe on the internet. From strong passwords, to avoding spam and phishing, to being safe while online shopping, it covers many topics. Although some of the tips are a bit overwhelming, and maybe not always necessary, it is a gr

On Aging Canadian Conversations: Ageism with Margaret Gillis

Amaan Fazal

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada are thrilled to introduce an upcoming series of conversations with thought leaders in Canada on a variety of topics related to healthy aging. Each episode addresses a different theme relevant to healthy aging, and will include a conversation on the topic, as wel

Recorded Webinar: The Practical Guide to the Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada

Amaan Fazal

Webinar originally took place on May 9th, 2022. The new and improved Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada was launched in April 2022. The new bilingual (English and French) Guide is a plain language, searchable website with information on all areas of law relevant to elder abuse

Report: Social Isolation Among Older Adults During the Pandemic

Amaan Fazal

The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease that was discovered near the end of 2019. COVID-19 has been conceptualized as a “gero-pandemic,” defined as a disease that has spread globally with heightened significance and negative consequences for older populations (Wister &


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