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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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On collaboration in the community-based seniors' services sector, with Helen MacDonnell

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada

Community organizations are stronger together! Helen MacDonnell, Executive Director of Community Links Nova Scotia, shares how CBSS organizations in Nova Scotia have come together through the pandemic and in the wake of Hurricane Fiona to coordinate, share resources, and serve Nova Scotians better,


Charity Village

For Full Article Click HERECharityVillage, in partnership with CivicAction, is proud to host HireNext, a free, made-in-Canada tool that helps employers better hire and retain diverse, early-career talent. By helping employers better recruit, screen, onboard, and, most importantly, retain young talen

Palliative Care in Canada - Podcast

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Click HERE to view the latest episode on Palliative Care in Canada featuring Dr. Naheed DosaniMore people in Canada are receiving palliative care near the end of their lives than ever — but a lot of work remains. A new CIHI analysis shows there are still many who are not getting the care they need

Non-Profit Leadership: It's all about Trust

Charity Village

Reversing a historic decline in public trust in nonprofits and charities and advocating for a stronger future.  Buffeted on all sides from seemingly endless waves of controversies and challenges, nonprofit leadership in Canada finds itself increasingly under the microscope. Public trust in the sect

On gendered ageism and climate change, with Dr. Paula Rochon

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada

What happens to older people in the climate crisis?In this wide-ranging conversation, Dr. Paula Rochon of the Women's Age Lab talks about how the specific needs of older people, especially older women, are often forgotten in the scientific community, and what her team is doing to change that.PAULA B

Older Men at the Margins: Guidance for practitioners and services providing groups for older men

Age UK, Older Men at the Margins Project

In collaboration with Age UK, the Older Men at the Margins project identified ways of alleviating loneliness and reducing isolation for older men (65+ years of age) across hard-to-reach and seldom-heard groups. This included older men who are single or living alone in urban and rural areas; older ga

Compendium of Good Practices for Improving Seniors Mental Health in Canada

Marie-France Tourigny-Rivard

Using Canadian examples of well-integrated or innovative services across a range of resources and demographic profiles, this compendium is meant to help planners implement the Guidelines for Comprehensive Mental Health Services for Older Adults in Canada model of mental health services in their comm

Including us: What older people say about the barriers they face to social inclusion

HelpAge International

Social inclusion is about creating an inclusive society that leaves no one behind. In older age, social inclusion depends on the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms. In practice, however, many older people face significant barriers that limit their ability to participate, to have equal acce

Learning from Practice: Promoting Well-Being and Health Equity Among Older Adults

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

Recognizing health inequities experienced by older adults in Canada and the need for comprehensive health promotion and public health approaches, the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH), Health Promotion Canada and the editors of Promoting the health of older adults: The


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