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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Robert Morrissey, Chair

Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

[Report] The Demand for Digital Skills in CanadaĘĽs Nonprofit Sector

Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience

The state of digital skills required by workers in the nonprofit sector

The Caregiving Crunch

Home Equity Bank

“It’s a Bittersweet Symphony” for the Sandwich Generation: New Ipsos survey exposes the struggles and sacrifices of aging in place.

[Report] Long-term care for older people: package for universal health coverage

World Health Organization

The growing prevalence of morbidity and functional decline associated with global population ageing and gains in life expectancy have increased the demand for care and access to long-term care (LTC) to address the complex care needs of older people. This publication includes a list of LTC interventi

[Report] 7 Steps Toward Better CPP/QPP Claiming Decisions: Shifting the Paradigm on how we help Canadians

National Institute on Ageing

7 Steps Toward Better CPP/QPP Claiming Decisions: Shifting the Paradigm on how we help Canadians

[Resource] Transformative Research Toolkit

Othering and Belonging Institute Berkeley

Transformative Research ToolkitWe have seen and participated in transformative research strategies that defeated proposed jail expansions, won millions of dollars for community-prioritized programs, and built new community-led organizations that changed a political landscape, among many other achi

[Resource] Social Isolation and Loneliness – Clinical Guidelines

CCSMH Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health

Social Isolation and Loneliness – Clinical Guidelines

[ Resource] National framework for social prescribing

Welsh Government

Welsh National framework for social prescribing

[Report] Preventing and responding to the mistreatment of older adults: Gaps and challenges exposed during the pandemic

Government of Canada

Preventing and responding to the mistreatment of older adults: Gaps and challenges exposed during the pandemic


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