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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Resource] Digital equity: empowering all organizations to succeed in the digital era


DIGITAL EQUITYThe Future of Canada Centre’s third report on digital equity envisions a future where all organizations are equipped to thrive in the digital era. This future relies on interconnected success, where the progress of one paves a path to growth for all. Across the three pillars of digit

[Resource] Health Promoter Competencies’ Toolkit

Canadian Public Health Association

PAN-CANADIAN HEALTH PROMOTER COMPETENCIES AND TOOLKITSkills to improve health, health equity and determinants of health.The Pan-Canadian Health Promoter Competencies builds upon the Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada providing greater detail regarding the knowledge, skills, and abilities

[Report] A fine line: Finding the right seniors’ poverty measure in Canada

Paloma Griffin & Mohy-Dean Tabbara

The Market Basket Measure (MBM), Canada’s Official Poverty Line, alone does not effectively measure income adequacy for seniors. The report recommends that the federal government either develop an MBM for seniors or adopt one of the measures developed by researchers in Canada.

[Report] Campaigning to tackle ageism: current practices and suggestions for moving forward

World Health Organization

This report has been produced as part of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism to inspire and support the development of future campaigns that can help change the narrative around ageing and older adults. It presents an overview of current practice as well as suggestions for developing and implementi

[Resource] Connecting generations: planning and implementing interventions for intergenerational contact

World Health Organization

Ageism exists when “age” is used to categorize individuals and create social divisions, with ensuing injustice and harm and lack of solidarity across generations. Ageism is highly detrimental to our health and well-being and imposes a heavy cost on societies. The World Health Organization (WHO)

[Resource] Stop Telling Caregivers to Take Care of Themselves First!


April 12, 2019Advice for caregivers almost always includes a list of signs of caregiver stress and tips on how to address them. The unfortunate result is an actual increase in caregiver stress.Why? Because it puts the burden of fixing the problem on someone who is already overwhelmed. Caregiving is

[Resource] Ten ways to prevent violence against women and girls

UN Women

Ten ways to prevent violence against women and girls

[Resource] Intervention time: What non-profits want funders and government to know about their data problem

The Philanthropist Journal

What non-profits want funders and government to know about their data problem

[ Resource] National framework for social prescribing

Welsh Government

Welsh National framework for social prescribing


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