Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Research] Evidence-informed policy brief – Utilizing the determinants of healthy aging to guide the choice of social prescriptions for older adults
HPCDP Journal
Adopting tools such as the Healthy Aging Asset Index can bring cohesiveness to the support that older adults receive across the care continuum and has the potential to shift the balance of care away from the health system and towards the community, thus improving the capacity of health systems and government to meet the needs of Canada’s older adults.
[Resource] Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice
Government of Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is a bilingual, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch. Learn more about the HPCDP Jou
[Resource] Technology and aging: 3 ways tech can lend a helping hand
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Click HERE to learn moreAs we age, our needs and priorities shift, and technology can play a surprisingly supportive role in navigating these changes. It's not just about keeping up with the grandkids on social media; tech can truly enhance our quality of life in meaningful ways. Here are three key
[Resource] Seeing is understanding: The role of visual strategies to support older adults with cognitive impairment
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Click HERE to learn moreSeeing is understanding: The role of visual strategies to support older adults with cognitive impairmentThe Bottom LineOlder adults living with cognitive impairments can face difficulties with communication and comprehension.These challenges can negatively impact their abilit
[Report] Indigenous cultural safety - An environmental scan of cultural safety initiatives in Canada
National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
Recent reviews of health systems across Canada have shown the legacy of colonialism, prejudice, and racism against Indigenous Peoples remains widespread in Canada’s health care systems. Further, the dominant culture of health care continues to be rooted in a Western bio-medical paradigm, while acc
[Learning Resource] Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning in Healthcare (H.E.A.L. Healthcare)
H.E.A.L. Healthcare
The Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning curriculum brings together artists, writers, activists, and people with lived experience to create arts-based anti-oppression learning materials for healthcare educators, professionals, and practitioners.Our goal is to use the arts to address
[Resource] Current research tips on aging well
Active Aging Network
Active Aging Canada, dedicated to building physical literacy among Canadian older adults.
[Resource] Digital Adoption for Nonprofits
HR Intervals (Imagine Canada)
Digital transformation can change how HR operates and deliver value within an organization
Let's Imagine Podcast EPISODE 21: Reframing Biased Perspectives of the Nonprofit Sector with Dan Pallotta
Imagine Canada
Reframing Biased Perspectives of the Nonprofit Sector with Dan Pallotta
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