[Webinar] Vision as We Age: Understanding Common Eye Conditions

In this installment in the popular Optimal Aging Portal webinar series with guest speaker, Dr, Nina Ahuja, a medical doctor and Academic Division Head for Ophthalmology at McMaster.
As we age, our eyes undergo natural changes, and the risk of certain eye disorders increases. Join ophthalmologist Dr. Nina Ahuja for this webinar about the most common and significant eye conditions affecting older adults, including an overview of cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear from a medical expert who will help provide a clear understanding of these conditions, their symptoms, and the latest treatment options.
About the speaker - Dr. Nina Ahuja attended medical school at McMaster University, followed by residency in ophthalmology at University of Ottawa. She began her surgical practice in Hamilton and has worked with medical students and residents for nearly two decades. Over the years, she has won numerous awards for excellence in teaching and for contributions to residency education. She has held several local and national leadership positions, including Residency Program Director, Academic Division Head, President for the Association of Canadian University of Professors of Ophthalmology (ACUPO), and others. Dr. Ahuja is founder of Docs in Leadership, an organization she created to provide leadership education to healthcare professionals and students. Author of the bestselling book, “Stress in Medicine: Lessons Learned Through My Years as a Surgeon, from Med School to Residency, and Beyond,” Dr. Ahuja is a sought-after speaker and has been an invited guest on several podcasts in Canada, the United States and Europe to speak about her expertise in physician leadership, wellness, and equity diversity and inclusion in medicine.
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Date (PDT)
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Time (PDT)
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM