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CANADA | Mar 26, 2025
[News] Thriving in 2025: 5 ways to stick with your health goals
As we usher in a new year, many of us are inspired to embrace positive changes, especially when it comes to our health. For older adults, maintaining and improving health is a worthy and achievable goal. Whether you're aiming to boost your energy levels, enhance mobility, or feel your best, here are some tips to help you stick to your health goals in the coming year.
READ MORE[News] What aging in place can look like: Golden Girls and NORCs
More Canadian seniors are choosing to avoid institutional living in favour of ‘aging in place.’ CBC’s Christine Birak breaks down why seniors are making this choice and what some alternatives lo
[Radio] Advice on advocating for Canadian seniors
CanAge CEO Laura Tamblyn takes your questions about seniors' rights, and how to advocate for older Canadians.Click HERE to listen
Call for Lived Experiences: WHO Commission on Social Connection (Deadline: May 31, 2024)
The WHO Commission on Social Connection is looking for individuals who have experienced social isolation and loneliness to share their stories, insights, and advice.Commissioners are committed to live
[Article] It’s time to move forward!
Click HERE to learn moreAsk Margaret Gillis why a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons is necessary in Canada, she will rhyme off a handful of reasons right off the top of her head
[Article] Accessibility is the Key to Unlocking Age-Friendly Communities
Most people are unaware of the need for accessibility until it touches them personally. In Canada, where 1 in 4 individuals have a disability and 47% of adults have a relationship with someone who doe
Healthy Aging CORE Research Spotlight: May 2024
Research Spotlight: CanAssistCanAssist is an organization of the University of Victoria that is dedicated to helping people with disabilities improve their quality of life and to increasing awareness
[News] When nonprofit staff are paid so low they qualify for their org’s services
A while ago, at the request of some colleagues, I talked about “Nonprofit Math” and created a little video that went viral. One of the examples I brought up was “paying your staff so little tha
[News] Social prescribing: giving a name to whole-person care
Dr. Dominik Nowak outlines how the Centre for Effective Practice and other resources can help clinicians connect patients to non-clinical services and programs.
[News] More than half of Alberta non-profits can’t find skilled staff: report
Employees at 28 per cent of Canadian non-profits work additional hours, taking on work previously done by volunteers
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Canada e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the country.