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CANADA | Feb 07, 2025

[News Release] The Government of Canada announces the theme for Black History Month 2025

Each year, Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Black communities in Canada, listen to their stories, and learn more about their history and contributions to Canadian society.The Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities


Healthy Aging CORE Research Spotlight: April

Research Spotlight: Generations UnitedThe mission of Generations United is to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people in the USA through intergenerational collaboration, public policies

[News] Call For Nominations: Canada's Volunteer Awards

Have you ever wondered how you can show your appreciation for an amazing volunteer in your community? Canada’s Volunteer Awards, a comprehensive volunteer recognition program, is now accepting nomi

[News] 70+ in Brampton? The city is giving out free annual recreation passes

As of June 1, the City of Brampton announced seniors can register for a free annual pass to all of its recreational centres, which can cost more than $200.Click HERE to read the full article

[Video] Staying Apart Together Project: Using CanConnect From CanAssist

"There is an ageist stereotype about older people’s capacity to understand and use new technology. These stereotypes are widely held and often internalized by older adults themselves. This video tel

[News] Aging adults have retreated from civic life since pandemic began, new research shows

Aging adults have retreated from civic life since pandemic began, new research showsA study including 7,000 people age 55-plus found they're staying at home more and skipping restaurants, the gym and

[News] Province adds 144 social housing units through purchases in 2023-2024

Islanders have access to another 144 social housing units across the province following purchases by the PEI Housing Corporation over the last fiscal year.Investments in housing have been made in 8 Is

[News] National Association of Federal Retirees: Advocacy Spotlight

Advocacy Spotlight: Windsor Branch’s advocacy opening doorsFederal Retirees’ Windsor & Area Branch has focused on advocacy, and their work is paying off.As a direct result of their ongoing adv

[Article] The New Ideal Workplace: How Flexibility Benefits Caregivers - and Everyone Else

Click HERE to read the full articleOne in four Canadians, excluding parents, identifies as a caregiver – a figure that is projected to rise to 50% of Canadians in the future. Additionally, 58% of

[News] ParticipACTION Community Challenge presented by Novo Nordisk

ParticipACTION Community Challenge presented by Novo NordiskJune 1 – 30, 2024Together we move!Get ready to participate this June to get active, connect with others and help your community be crowned


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