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CANADA | Jan 14, 2025

[Survey] Living with a Life-Limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences

Statistics Canada is currently conducting a study called Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences. If you are living with a life-limiting illness or care for someone who is, share your experiences: https://ow.ly/yl3t50TAfvr.Results will help decision makers assess


First National CBSS Summit held in Ottawa

Over 300 participants gathered in Ottawa for the 2024 Community-Based Seniors' Services (CBSS) Sector Summit June 2nd to 4th

La moitié des personnes racisées ont vécu de la discrimination ou ont été traitées de manière injuste au cours des cinq dernières années

En utilisant les données regroupées provenant de six vagues de l'Enquête sociale canadienne, il est possible d'examiner l'intersection de diverses caractéristiques des personnes ayant subi de la discrimination.

Half of racialized people have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in the past five years

Using pooled data from six waves of the Canadian Social Survey, it is possible to examine the intersection of various characteristics of people who have experienced discrimination.

[News] What aging in place can look like: Golden Girls and NORCs

More Canadian seniors are choosing to avoid institutional living in favour of ‘aging in place.’ CBC’s Christine Birak breaks down why seniors are making this choice and what some alternatives lo

[Radio] Advice on advocating for Canadian seniors

CanAge CEO Laura Tamblyn takes your questions about seniors' rights, and how to advocate for older Canadians.Click HERE to listen

Call for Lived Experiences: WHO Commission on Social Connection (Deadline: May 31, 2024)

The WHO Commission on Social Connection is looking for individuals who have experienced social isolation and loneliness to share their stories, insights, and advice.Commissioners are committed to live

[Article] It’s time to move forward!

Click HERE to learn moreAsk Margaret Gillis why a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons is necessary in Canada, she will rhyme off a handful of reasons right off the top of her head

[Article] Accessibility is the Key to Unlocking Age-Friendly Communities

Most people are unaware of the need for accessibility until it touches them personally. In Canada, where 1 in 4 individuals have a disability and 47% of adults have a relationship with someone who doe


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