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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Resource] Work and Life Wellbeing Brochure + Resources

Stigma Free Society

Click HERE to access Life and Work Wellbeing Section on Rural Mental Wellness WebsiteIf you are a farmer or business owner living in a rural area, you understand how difficult it can be to strike a balance between life and work. Overworking is a major contributor to anxiety and burnout for people li

[Toolkit] Rural Mental Wellness Toolkit

Stigma Free Society

Click HERE to access The Rural Mental Wellness ToolkitThe Stigma-Free Society is a Canadian Charity registered since 2010 and our mission is to reduce the stigma around mental health. In rural and agricultural communities across North America, there is a mental health crisis due to the lack of resou

[Webinar Recording] Intergenerational Programs Webinar

United Way

Intergenerational connections benefit both older and younger people, as well as the communities they live in. Bringing older and younger people together contributes to understanding and respect between generations, and research has shown that intergenerational programs increase well-being and self-e

On fostering intergenerational relationships, with Dr. Shannon Jarrott

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada

How do young and old come together in a way that works for everyone? Dr. Shannon Jarrott, Professor of Social Work at Ohio State University, takes us through her toolkit on facilitating activities that promote conversation and engagement between older people and youth, and discusses the importance o

Community Dance for Older Adults

Community Dance for Older Adults

This series of studies examined how dancing may contribute to older adults’ holistic wellness. Specifically, how dancing can support ones’ aging journey, experiences of physical activity and embodiment, and age-friendly initiatives were explored. This research was funded by the Brenda Strafford

[Toolkit] Intergenerational Programming Toolkit

City of Edmonton

Click HERE to view the toolkitInterested in creating a more inclusive community for all ages? Check out this useful toolkit from the City of Edmonton to support your planning and implementation of intergenerational programs to create age-friendly communities. It’s filled with great thought starter

[Toolkit] Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Gender Expression (SOGIE) Safer Places Toolkit

Alberta Health Services

In recent years, Alberta and Canada have made significant shifts towards the celebration and protection of LGBTQ2S+ people and their families. Gender identity and gender expression were added as protected grounds against discrimination in the Alberta Human Rights Act (2015) and Canada’s Human Righ



AudioGeris is a collection of audio plays by GeriActors & Friends.While Covid-19 presented many challenges, it also inspired new ways of sharing stories and connecting with audiences.In March 2020, our performance company, GeriActors & Friends, moved to virtual rehearsals, and in 2021 we pr

This Chair Rocks - Resources to Address Ageism

Ashton Applewhite

This website was created by Ashton Applewhite, the author of This Chair Rocks - a manifesto against ageism. The website offers videos and resources to raise awareness about ageism, including a guide to help start consciousness raising groups about ageism.Ageism is stereotyping and discrimination on


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