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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Rapid synthesis: Identifying community-based models to enable older adults to live independently

TĂ©jia Bain, Peter DeMaio, Cara Evans, et al.

Canadians overwhelmingly prefer to age at home, but do not always have access to supports that allow them to live independently for as long as possible. Older adults often require assistance to address their care needs, keep up with daily activities around the home, ensure their home is adequately m

[Evidence Summary] Home-based exercise delivered with digital interventions can prevent falls and improve quality of life

McMaster University

Click HERE to view the full article Home-based exercise delivered with digital interventions can prevent falls and improve quality of lifeSolis-Navarro L, Gismero A, Fernandez-Jane C, et al. Effectiveness of home-based exercise delivered by digital health in older adults: a systematic review and me

[Resource] Vegetarian Diets as we age

Dr. Megha Poddar

In this 2-minute video, Dr. Megha Poddar discusses important considerations for older adults on plant-based diets or for those considering adopting a vegetarian diet.What's the bottom line?Older adults can safely adopt a plant-based diet.Ensure adequate protein intake to maintain lean muscle mass.

[Report] Breaking the Silence to Address Incontinence in Canada

National Institute on Ageing

Incontinence is far more common than we think, affecting about a quarter of Canadian adults. But because of the stigma around it, older adults living with incontinence are unlikely to seek medical attention for it — and may face significant challenges, loneliness and financial stress as a result.

Independent Senior Centres: Connecting and Supporting Older Adults in Metro Vancouver

Laura Kadowaki, Andrea Wadman, Anthony L. Kupferschmidt & Andrew Wister

A new study by SFU researchers finds that while senior centres play a crucial role in promoting aging citizens’ wellbeing they also face challenges in ensuring they are well-positioned to meet the emerging needs of older adults. An analysis of six independent, not for profit senior centres in Metr

[Report] Ableism in Canadian Workplaces: Research

Western University | Canadian Labour Congress

Click HERE to access the reportHarassment and violence at work remain a major social problem in Canada.The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children at Western University, together with researchers at the University of Toronto and the Canadian Labour Congress launc

[Toolkit] Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Gender Expression (SOGIE) Safer Places Toolkit

Alberta Health Services

In recent years, Alberta and Canada have made significant shifts towards the celebration and protection of LGBTQ2S+ people and their families. Gender identity and gender expression were added as protected grounds against discrimination in the Alberta Human Rights Act (2015) and Canada’s Human Righ

[Research Paper] Intergenerational Programs: A Review of the Empirical Literature

Rachelle Patille & Habib Chaudhury

The objective of this paper is to provide a review of the empirical literature that relates to intergenerational programming, particularly focusing on the Canadian context. The specific purpose of the review is to identify types of programs, activities, and participants as well as outcomes for the p

[Evidence Summary] Preventing falls among older adults through physical activity: A guidance document for practitioners


The purpose of this guidance document is to assist practitioners with the planning and implementation of structured physical activity programs for older adults. The document reviews evidence on the need for older adults to remain physically active and describes the health risks associated with physi


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