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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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The Experiences and Needs of Older Caregivers in Canada

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Most of what is known in the caregiving literature focuses on seniors as care receivers rather than care providers. This study uses data from the 2018 General Social Survey on Caregiving and Care Receiving to examine the experiences of caregivers aged 65 and older, including the types of caregiving

A Higher Standard: Setting Federal Standards in Long-Term Care and Continuing Care

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of federal government leadership in health care. The pandemic’s impact has been particularly dramatic in long-term care homes, exposing a fragmented and under-resourced system that is heavily reliant on for-profit delivery. This rep

Push and Pull Factors Surrounding Older Adults' Relocation to Supportive Housing: A Scoping Review

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Supportive housing, including retirement homes and assisted living, is increasingly touted as a suitable living option for Canadian older adults. This scoping review describes the nature and content of studies that explore underlying factors that motivate older adults to relocate to supportive housi

Closing the Gaps: Recommendations to Improve Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults Across Canada

Healthy Aging CORE Team

In January 2019, the Canadian Red Cross in partnership with the National Institute on Ageing reviewed the latest evidence and expert opinions to inform the development of recommendations for governments, organizations and individuals to improve emergency preparedness, response and recovery for older

Quick Start Implementation Guide Carer-Friendly Workplace Standard

Healthy Aging CORE Team

This guide will help your organization implement a comprehensive carer-inclusive and accommodating program. It will help you define organizational roles, develop policies and practices, engage senior leaders and employees, communicate and more.   To view a PDF of the guide, see attached document b

Aging2.0 Chapters Global Call with Chip Conley

Healthy Aging CORE Team

In this Aging2.0 Chapters talk with Chip Conley he discusses how we go through three life stages, adolescence, retirement, and midlife. Yet, often when we think of midlife we think of the negative connotations associated with it. Chip Conley is looking to change this negative reputation by showing t

Ageism's Influence on how Older People are Viewed and how they View Themselves

Healthy Aging CORE Team

This webinar from July 2020 discusses an overview of the impact of ageism from a number of perspectives, including how ageism can impact an older person's willingness to ask for help or use assistive devices. The two presenters, Alison Chasteen from the University of Toronto and Sarah Fraser from

Eunice Lin Nichols - "The Power of Intergenerational Connections"

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Eunice Lin Nichols discusses the power and importance of intergenerational connections and the benefits it holds for both older adults and other generations. As discussed in the podcast, when we think of older adults we often look at it from a deficits based perspective, but this outlook needs to ch

Aging and Chronic Diseases: A Profile of Canadian Seniors

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The Public Health Agency of Canada has released the report Aging and Chronic Diseases: A Profile of Canadian Seniors. This report provides a pan-Canadian profile of chronic diseases among seniors aged 65 years and older.   To access the report, click here.  


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