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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Holding Space: A Community Engagement Toolkit


View Full Release Link to Toolkit: https://www.sfu.ca/publicsquare/news-resources/resources/toolkit.htmlFor 10 years, SFU Public Square has been a keystone initiative of Simon Fraser University’s commitment to community engagement. In that time, we have programmed hundreds of engagements between

Fraud Awareness Bulletins

Canadian Anti Fraud Centre

Please see the attached documents for Canadian Anti Fraud Centre's bulletins on Fraudster’s Toolbox.Investment Scams.Service Scams.Phishing – Fraudster’s Toolbox.

New Documentary: Voices of Diversity

Rexdale Community Health Centre

Voices of Diversity is a documentary film produced by the Rexdale Community Health Centre in Ontario, Canada. This project is funded by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program. When voices of diversity share wisdom, those speaking and those listening are both empowered. Storytell

Aging in the right place: A report of promising practice shelter/ housing models for older people experiencing homelessness

SFU Aging in the Right Place (AIRP)

The numbers of older people experiencing homelessness (OPEH) is on the rise in Canada1 and shelter/housing models that meet the needs of this population are scarce. OPEH are more likely to report chronic physical and mental health conditions compared to older adults who do not have experiences of ho

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in Indigenous Populations: Knowledge, Needs, and Gaps

National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH)

While rates of dementias have historically been low among First Nations, Inuit and MĂ©tis peoples in Canada, they are expected to rise more rapidly than the general Canadian population due to their higher rates of risk factors for these diseases. Barriers to optimal dementia care are often considera

On Aging: Canadian Conversations - Dr. Samir Sinha on Aging in the Right Place

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada

Dr. Samir Sinha is the Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health System and the University Health Network in Toronto and a Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto and the Director of Health Policy Research at Toronto Metropolitan University’s National Institute on Ageing.A Rhodes Scholar,

Webinar Recording: Aging Lives Uprooted: Welcoming and Supporting Older Refugees to Canadian Communities

OACAO in collaboration with HelpAge Canada and CORE Canada

This webinar painted a picture of the older adult refugee experience in Canada, including the effects of fleeing conflict zones, the process of seeking asylum, and what it means to have lost everything. We heard from those working in the field - nationally, provincially, and locally – who shared t

De Hogeweyk and a Normal Life with Dementia with Jannette Spiering

SilVR Adventures

This interview highlights the work of Jannette Spiering from Be Advice and also De Hogeweyk in the Netherlands. Even if you don’t recognise the names you may know the story, it’s been described as “the dementia village” a name Jannette and the team strongly dislike, but it’s received a lot

Journal of Dementia Care: Hogewey: A 'home from home' in the Netherlands

Beatrice Godwin

Beatrice Godwin is impressed by Hogewey, an award-winning development with an innovative approach to residential and nursing care for people with advanced dementiaWhen it comes to learning from international developments in dementia care, there are few better places to look than the Netherlands. Hog


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