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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Resource] Clinical Frailty Scale

Dalhousie University

Clinical Frailty Scale

[Toolkit] Having the Difficult Conversations on Anti-Racism and Decolonization?


Difficult Conversations on Anti-Racism and Decolonization checklist

[Resource] Defining Pro-Black

Non Profit Quarterly

Defining Pro-Black

[Resource] Helping Movements Meet the Moment: What Philanthropy Can and Must Do

Non Profit Quarterly

Helping Movements Meet the Moment: What Philanthropy Can and Must DoSulma Arias and Manuel PastorJanuary 18, 2024PrintImage credit: hay s on UnsplashSeveral overlapping crises are wreaking havoc in the United States and across the globe. From climate catastrophe and forced migration to economic

[Resource] Essential Care Partner Toolkit

Sinai Health

Click HERE to learn moreEssential care partners may be supporting their family or friend with some of their basic care needs while they are in the hospital. These resources will provide you with some of the key information on how you can help. Before you provide care to a patient in hospital, please

[Resource] AGING IS UNIVERSAL Infographic

Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council and Age Friendly Edmonton Working Group

Ageism—discrimination based on age—is a common occurrence. It impacts how we value ourselves and others, limiting our ability to age well. It’s time we embrace aging and empower all Edmontonians to lead full lives, no matter their age.

[Resource] How sedentary behavior increases your risk of cancer

Canadian Cancer Society

If you’re like the average Canadian, you sit for most of the day. A growing body of evidence supports a link between sedentary behaviour and an increased risk of colorectal cancer. The longer a person sits, the higher the risk."But I exercise regularly. I must have a lower risk of cancer even thou

[Resource] Global Campaign to Combat Ageism - Toolkit

World Health Organization

OverviewThis toolkit was designed for the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism. It will equip you with the necessary resources to learn about ageism, initiate your own conversations about this important topic in your community, organize events to raise awareness, and spread the word through social media

[Resource] Health Promoter Competencies’ Toolkit

Canadian Public Health Association

PAN-CANADIAN HEALTH PROMOTER COMPETENCIES AND TOOLKITSkills to improve health, health equity and determinants of health.The Pan-Canadian Health Promoter Competencies builds upon the Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada providing greater detail regarding the knowledge, skills, and abilities


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