Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Improving access to mental health and addictions services and supports for older Indigenous adults, using a cultural safety and equity lens
Viviane Josewski
Older Indigenous adults residing in off-reserve urban population centres face unique and complex challenges and barriers to accessing mental health and addictions services and supports because of such factors as past and ongoing colonialism, racism, poverty, and a lack of culturally safe and relevan
[Toolkit] Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit
Generations United and The Eisner Foundation
Click HERE to learn more about Generations United and the Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit.In an effort to collect more data on intergenerational shared sites and facilitate program evaluation, Generations United, with support from The Eisner Foundation, partnered with Dr. Shannon Jarrott of The
[Evidence Summary] Preventing falls among older adults through physical activity: A guidance document for practitioners
The purpose of this guidance document is to assist practitioners with the planning and implementation of structured physical activity programs for older adults. The document reviews evidence on the need for older adults to remain physically active and describes the health risks associated with physi
[Toolkit] Student Mental Health Toolkit
Stigma-Free Society
Manitoba educators: Lesson Plans adapted for the Manitoba curriculum are now available on our Student Mental Health Toolkit at no cost.The Stigma-Free Society offers unique and engaging school presentations about overall stigma with a focus on mental health.The Society offers the presentations progr
Palliative Care Toolkit for Indigenous Communities
Cancer Care Ontario
Click HERE to view the full toolkit.This toolkit includes resources and reference material for First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities. It can be used to help support people with cancer who have palliative care needs. These education materials can be used by anyone in the community.
On collaboration in the community-based seniors' services sector, with Helen MacDonnell
Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada
Community organizations are stronger together! Helen MacDonnell, Executive Director of Community Links Nova Scotia, shares how CBSS organizations in Nova Scotia have come together through the pandemic and in the wake of Hurricane Fiona to coordinate, share resources, and serve Nova Scotians better,
Charity Village
For Full Article Click HERECharityVillage, in partnership with CivicAction, is proud to host HireNext, a free, made-in-Canada tool that helps employers better hire and retain diverse, early-career talent. By helping employers better recruit, screen, onboard, and, most importantly, retain young talen
Palliative Care in Canada - Podcast
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Click HERE to view the latest episode on Palliative Care in Canada featuring Dr. Naheed DosaniMore people in Canada are receiving palliative care near the end of their lives than ever — but a lot of work remains. A new CIHI analysis shows there are still many who are not getting the care they need
Non-Profit Leadership: It's all about Trust
Charity Village
Reversing a historic decline in public trust in nonprofits and charities and advocating for a stronger future. Buffeted on all sides from seemingly endless waves of controversies and challenges, nonprofit leadership in Canada finds itself increasingly under the microscope. Public trust in the sect
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