Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Loop Evidence Summary: Fall Prevention and COVID-19
Amaan Fazal
This Loop evidence summary reviews the impact of COVID-19 on risk factors contributing to fall-related injuries. It also summarizes current and emerging evidence on the effective planning and implementation of fall risk screening and assessment, fall care, fall rehabilitation and fall prevention ini
Overcoming Digital Divides Workshop Series - Framing Paper
Amaan Fazal
Ryerson's Overcoming Digital Divides Workshop Series aims to engage people living in Canada, industry, academia and policymakers to advance a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the circumstances that precipitate the conditions that shape digital inequities in Canada. Through expert panel discus
What does meaningful social prescribing look like? Mapping meaningful outcomes
Amaan Fazal
This study aimed to investigate and collate all the outcomes that are being experienced in link worker based social prescribing schemes. We found this reflects a large evidence gap where research money needs to be invested. Data from this study highlighted that VCSE organisations engaged with soc
Recorded Webinar: Summit Preview Keynote Series: What is Social Prescribing?
Amaan Fazal
Social prescribing - the practice of medical practitioners connecting patients to community supports to improve health and well-being - was pioneered in the U.K .and is now gaining a foothold in Canada. Hear from our panelists: Dr. Marie Anne Essam, Dr. Grace Park, and Sonia Hsiung on what Social Pr
Introduction to Health Equity
Amaan Fazal
The Introduction to Health Equity online course is a collaboration of the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) and Public Health Ontario (PHO). It was created in response to the identified need for an accessible introductory course on health equity for public health audie
Recorded Webinar: Unpacking Innovations for Aging in the Right Place
Amaan Fazal
In recognition of National Seniors Day (October 1st, 2021), Simon Fraser University, Aging in the Right Place co-hosted a webinar with the following panelists from across Canada, who shared their innovations of aging in the right place for older adults with lived or living experience of homelessness
A Cautionary Tale: Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout for Older Canadians
Amaan Fazal
Canada's lack of national coordination, inconsistent prioritization of older Canadians, and failure to focus on speed in its provincial COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, cost potentially hundreds of older lives across the country. Between April and June 2021 alone, the deaths of more than 350 older adults
The Indigenous Learning Series
Amaan Fazal
Under the themes of Recognition, Respect, Relationships and Reconciliation, the Indigenous Learning Series provides access to resources, courses, workshops and events on the history, heritage, cultures, rights and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, as well as on their varied and long-stan
Canadian Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM) Resources
Amaan Fazal
Cyber Security Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to help the public learn more about the importance of cyber security. This campaign helps Canadians stay secure online by teaching them simple steps to protect themselves and their devices. In 2021, Cyber Se
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Canada e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the country.