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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Video: Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Populations

Amaan Fazal

United Way British Columbia Provincial Director, Government Relations & Programs, Kahir Lalji, presents at the International Federation on Ageing Global Cafe on the Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Po

Range of free-to-use ā€˜age-positiveā€™ icons launched to replace stereotypical symbols of ageing

Amaan Fazal

The Centre for Ageing Better has released a series of ten age-positive icons, designed to replace the limited and stereotypical selection of icons and symbols commonly used to depict ageing and older people in public life. The new range of icons was developed as part of a competition Ageing Better

Report: Partnering for Impact ā€“ From Crisis to Opportunity

Amaan Fazal

This report examines nine case studies of effective corporate-nonprofit partnerships during COVID-19. Each case study includes key takeaways for partnership success, illustrating how corporations and nonprofits can collaborate to unlock new solutions and opportunities to magnify their impact. Ā  To

Webinar: Promoting Health of Older Canadians: Developing Personal Skills & Reorienting Health Services

Healthy Aging CORE Team

From United Way Healthy Aging: The soon to be launched book, Promoting Health of Older Adults: The Canadian Experience, edited by I. Rootman, P. Edwards, M. Levasseur & F. Grunberg promises to be a welcome resource for learners, educators, practitioners and decision makers interested in support

Book Launch (July 2021): "Promoting the Health of Older Adults: The Canadian Experienceā€

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Taking a unique look at health promotion and aging in Canada, this edited collection uses the action framework in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion to explore the factors and issues related to the health of older adults. The book is organized around the five action areas for health promotio

Report: Museums and Creative Aging - A Healthful Partnership

Amaan Fazal

This landmark report commissioned by the American Alliance of Museums and written by Marjorie Schwarzer is a call to action for museums to change the narrative about what it means to grow old in America. Opening with an overview of aging and ageism in our country, the report documents actions being

Report: Volunteering Counts ā€“Ā Formal and Informal Contributions of Canadians in 2018

Amaan Fazal

Using data from the 2018 General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating, this article presents information on the volunteer activities of Canadians, including volunteer rates and number of volunteer hours, the types of volunteering activities and the sectors benefiting from volun

Recorded Webinar: Transportation to COVID-19 Vaccination Sites ā€“ What is working for Seniors?

Amaan Fazal

A lack of transportation is preventing an untold number of BCā€™s older adults from getting their vaccinations. On Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, the CBSS Provincial Working Group on Seniors Transportation hosted a webinar to highlight solutions and services tackling this issue in BC and across Canada.

Ebook: Intersections and Innovations: Change in Canadaā€™s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector

Amaan Fazal

Intersections and Innovations: Change in Canadaā€™s Voluntary and Nonprofit SectorĀ is now freely available online atĀ www.muttart.org/intersections.Ā  Users are able to download the full 600-plus-page e-book or individual chapters.Ā  The material has been published under a Creative Commons license


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