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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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On Advocacy and the Future of Aging, with Laura Tamblyn Watts

Healthy Aging CORE Canada and HelpAge Canada

Laura Tamblyn Watts, lawyer and CEO of CanAge, joins us to talk about the different aspects of advocacy and how you can be an advocate – starting with your own story.Laura Tamblyn Watts is the Founder and CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national seniors’ advocacy organization. Laura is a passionate ad

Indigenous Mental Health Resources

Stigma Free Society

Our Rural Mental Wellness Toolkit contains a section dedicated to resources created by Indigenous organizations. We are proud to partner with We Matter, an Indigenous youth-led organization, to highlight their diverse mental health toolkits created for Indigenous peoples, by Indigenous peoples. T

Raising Awareness about Men's Mental Health

Stigma Free Society

Men often deal with shame and self-stigma when facing mental health challenges, especially those living in rural communities. If you or a loved one are struggling, our Men’s Mental Health resources from the Rural Mental Wellness Toolkit can help. This section includes videos of rural men sharin

A Guide for Building a Sustainable and Resilient Collaboration

Tamarack Institute

A Guide for Building a Sustainable and Resilient Collaboration unpacks the concepts of sustainability and resilience and shares ideas, stories and resources that will benefit collaborations as they consider them.Sustainability involves many factors, including leadership, funding, community engagemen

Research Report - High on Priority List for Older Workers: Meaningful Employment and Flexibility

AARP Research

Older workers more than ever are rethinking their priorities and want jobs that are meaningful, not just a means to a paycheck, according to a recent AARP survey.AARP Research conducted a study of adults ages 40 years and over working full time, part time, unemployed but looking for work, retired an

Webinar Recording: Supporting Individuals and Families Affected by Dementia

Alzheimer Society of B.C.

As the population of our province ages, we will all be affected by dementia – whether we are friends and family members, neighbours, and people in the work force. Join the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for a foundational conversation about dementia. Learn how to distinguish dementia from normal age-re

On Aging: Canadian Conversations - On Dementia-Friendly Communities with Heather Cowie

Healthy Aging CORE Canada and HelpAge Canada

Heather Cowie is the Manager, Community Engagement at the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and the National Project Manager for Dementia-Friendly Canada. The Dementia-Friendly Canada project is a partnership between Alzheimer Societies across the country intended to grow dementia-friendly communities by cr

Mental health support: Get help

The Government of Canada

The Government of Canada has launched a campaign this winter to raise awareness that free, credible resources are available 24/7 to help support mental health. One in three Canadians indicated their mental health got worse during the pandemic. Free resources are available at Canada.ca/mental-health,

Navigating a request for medical assistance in dying in British Columbia

Dying with Dignity Canada

Dr. Osmaan Sheikh, a MAID provider in British Columbia, explains the process of navigating a request for medical assistance in dying in the province — including the written request, the witnessing, the assessments, and the provision.Subscribe to Dying with Dignity Canada email list here . WEBSITE:


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