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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Recorded Webinar: Modular Construction - A Suitable Option for Seniors' Housing?

Amaan Fazal

This webinar was held on April 6th, 2022 and focused on some basics of modular housing for seniors site development and operation. The webinar provided information on what modular housing is and is not; how it can provide affordable, accessible, and or supportive housing solutions for older adults;

Recorded Webinar: Summit Preview Keynote Series: What is Social Prescribing?

Amaan Fazal

Social prescribing - the practice of medical practitioners connecting patients to community supports to improve health and well-being - was pioneered in the U.K .and is now gaining a foothold in Canada. Hear from our panelists: Dr. Marie Anne Essam, Dr. Grace Park, and Sonia Hsiung on what Social Pr

Recorded Webinar: Unpacking Innovations for Aging in the Right Place

Amaan Fazal

In recognition of National Seniors Day (October 1st, 2021), Simon Fraser University, Aging in the Right Place co-hosted a webinar with the following panelists from across Canada, who shared their innovations of aging in the right place for older adults with lived or living experience of homelessness

Recorded Webinar: Closing the Gaps– Advancing Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults

Amaan Fazal

This webinar features Dr. Samir Sinha, lead author of the recent Canadian Red Cross and National Institute on Aging White Paper that offers evidence-informed expert recommendations to Improve Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults Across Canada. The webinar was hosted by Unit

Webinar: Promoting Health of Older Canadians: Developing Personal Skills & Reorienting Health Services

Healthy Aging CORE Team

From United Way Healthy Aging: The soon to be launched book, Promoting Health of Older Adults: The Canadian Experience, edited by I. Rootman, P. Edwards, M. Levasseur & F. Grunberg promises to be a welcome resource for learners, educators, practitioners and decision makers interested in support

Recorded Webinar: Transportation to COVID-19 Vaccination Sites – What is working for Seniors?

Amaan Fazal

A lack of transportation is preventing an untold number of BC’s older adults from getting their vaccinations. On Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, the CBSS Provincial Working Group on Seniors Transportation hosted a webinar to highlight solutions and services tackling this issue in BC and across Canada.

Recorded Webinar: Healthy Aging CORE Canada Virtual Launch Event

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Healthy Aging CORE Canada launched on April 8th, 2021, via a nation-wide virtual event. The event's program featured The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors; Kahir Lalji (Provincial Director, Population Health, United Way of the Lower Mainland); and Gregor Sneddon (HelpAge Canada). The event

Recorded Webinar: Towards A Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The United Nations Charter, recognizes the “fundamental human rights, and the dignity and worth of the human person”. Over the years, special UN Conventions, addressing the rights of Women, Children, Indigenous Persons and Persons with Disabilities, have been developed and adopted. To this day


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