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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Federalism as a Strength: A Path Toward Ending the Crisis in Long-Term Care

Healthy Aging CORE Team

In the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 80 percent of Canadian deaths occurred in long-term care facilities. There have been calls for the federal government to play a stronger role, but this is complicated by the fact that provinces have adopted a wide range of long-term care

Global Report on Ageism

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The Global report on ageism outlines a framework for action to reduce ageism including specific recommendations for different actors (e.g. government, UN agencies, civil society organizations, private sector). It brings together the best available evidence on the nature and magnitude of ageism

The Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre (MMHRC) website includes resources designed for laypeople, patients and their families, community organizations, health professionals, and policy makers, planners and administrators. The MMHRC seeks to improve the quality and availability of mental h

Loneliness Monetisation Report: June 2020

Healthy Aging CORE Team

There is scarce up-to-date evidence on the impact of loneliness on wellbeing in the UK, including on life satisfaction. Loneliness cannot be manipulated experimentally, hindering efforts to fully grasp the magnitude of its adverse impacts on society. However, this area is gaining increasing attentio

Trousse d’Outil: Isolement social des aînés – un regard sur les aînés LGBTQ au Canada

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Le présent supplément est une ressource complémentaire conçue pour permettre aux organismes et aux fournisseurs de services d’adopter des approches visant à aider les aînés LGBTQ personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, transgenres et transsexuelles, et queers) à renforcer leurs liens soc

Guide de sécurité à l'intention des aînés

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Le présent guide s'adresse aux aînés, aux membres de leur famille, à leurs amis, aux personnes qui en prennent soin et à tous ceux qui pourraient le trouver utile. Sans être exhaustif, il contient de l'information visant à répondre aux préoccupations d'ordre général liées à sécurité d

Trousse d'Outil: Isolement social des aînés - un regard sur les nouveaux immigrants et réfugiés aînés au Canada

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Le présent supplément est une ressource complémentaire conçue pour permettre aux organismes et aux fournisseurs de services d’adopter des approches afin d’aider les nouveaux immigrants et réfugiés aînés à renforcer leurs liens sociaux. Cette ressource sert de point de départ pour amorc

Toolkit: Engaging Men in Older Adult Centres

Healthy Aging CORE Team

Research has shown that older men are less likely to socialize regularly, face a higher risk of mortality related to social isolation than women and men 65+ have one of the highest suicide rates. Many men see work as being central in shaping and sustaining their identity, so retirement can be a toug

Guide: Aging with Pride - Creating Inclusive Services for LGBTQ2S+ Older Adults

Healthy Aging CORE Team

The Ministry of Seniors and Housing in collaboration with community organizations recently published Aging with Pride: A Guide to Creating Inclusive Services for LGBTQ2S+ Older Adults. The purpose of the guide is to increase awareness of LGBTQ2S+ older adults’ issues and needs and identify co


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